The Cincinnati Animation Network has several ongoing and recurring programs for filmmakers, animators and enthusiasts:
General Meetings/ Hangouts
On the last Tuesday of each month at 7pm (except January), meet up at the General Meeting and talk animation over drinks. Whether you're an animation artist or an enthusiast, come hang out, meet new people, and talk the nerdy talk. The location changes so check out the event post for up-to-date info.
Animation Directors Round Table
The first Wednesday of each month at 7pm at The Brew House (except January) is The Animation Director's Round Table meeting. It is an accountability and support meeting for people who are trying to make their own films or large projects. These meetings are based upon reviewing progress, sharing ideas, and setting goals for ourselves. It's a great meeting if you have a project that you would like to work on and need people to provide moral support and motivation. Brew House is at 1047 E McMillan St, Cincinnati, OH 45206
Art Film Play Work Group
Our partner the Cincinnati Film Society holds this work group session weekly on Tuesdays from 4-8pm at The Mockbee. It is a day for artists to come and create work in a fun space, Writers, animators, painters, sketch artists, music writers, designers. All of you, as are so many others, are an essential part of stories told on the big screen, and CFS celebrates you. Come have some spirits with us, create art, and have a free cup of coffee on us. There will be collaboration tables for those who wish to create with others. the Mockbee is at 2260 Central Pkwy, Cincinnati, OH 45214, Enter from Central Ave side, free parking is available across the intersection at Brighton.
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